We are thrilled to finally open our doors, and offer the latest tools for treating pain. Here's what you should know about American Chiropractic Haidhausen:
We love back pain. Yes, it's true. That's why we've invested in your care for you. From purchasing a state-of-the-art Flexion-Distraction table to treat acute low back pain to a commitment to 35 hours of continuing education every year, our chiropractor is dedicated to keeping her hands well-tuned to your needs.
We think information should be readily available. That's why we're working to bring you the latest information in pain science and functional movement. Our goal this year is to bring you instructional videos so you have access to your exercises 24/7.
We treat acute pain. You don't have to wait for a prescription from your doctor to see a chiropractor. In fact, it's better to treat pain when it occurs (or prevent it), rather than to wait until a pattern has become chronic. If your chiropractor thinks you need further investigation into your problem, like an MRT or a blood test, she will instruct you how and where to go.
Same-day appointments are possible. No waiting lists. If you need to be seen in the next 12 hours, please call our office for immediate booking assistance.
Recommendations for Osteopathie, Meditation, Neuromuscular Therapie and Physiotherapie, Feldenkrais and several types of Massage are possible in-house. If you need follow-up treatment with another type of therapy, please inquire.
Your experience and your feedback matter to us. If something doesn't work, please let us know right away.
Still have questions? Visit our FAQ's page for more information or submit a request using the contact form. We look forward to serving you!
Your ACH Praxis Team